Brewing Guides - V60
Brewing with a V60
Perfect for accentuating delicate florals or boozy naturals, the V60 is a diverse brewer and easy to use.
Whether you’re brewing for 1 or 2 people, we love using a V60.
Recommended Equipment: V60, Filter Papers, Kettle, Coffee, Coffee Grinder, Scales, Timer
Water to Coffee Ratio: 1L/ 60g Coffee
Small: 200ml / 12g Coffee
Medium: 350ml / 21g Coffee
Large: 500ml / 30g Coffee
Water Temperature: 96.C (just off the boil)
Grind Size: Medium/ Fine (slightly finer for small brews, slightly coarser for large)
Time: Around 3 minutes
Start by boiling your kettle and rising your paper filter to remove any papery notes.
Next, grind your coffee. Depending on the amount of coffee you want to brew, it’s important to change your grind size. The larger the amount of coffee you brew, the slightly coarser you’ll need to make your grind. This is to manage the rate at which the water can flow through the grounds, controlling the rate of extraction.
Weigh, grind and add your grounds to the filter, making sure to flatten out the surface.
To make brewing super easy for all sizes, we like to use the rule of 5ths.
Start by immediately adding 1/5th of your water to the filter and give your grounds a swirl to make sure they are completely covered.
Leave this for 45secs, allowing the coffee to pre-infuse.
Next, slowly add 2/5ths of your water in the next 30secs; taking you to 1:15secs.
Make sure to soak all of the grounds as you go, covering any darker or bubbling patches.
Repeat this step, adding another 2/5ths of your water in another 30secs; taking you to 1:45secs.
By this point, you should have added all of your water to the grounds.
Slightly swirls the filter when it is safe to do so, making sure all grounds have been soaked.
Allow the water to drain through the grounds aiming for a finish time of 3mins.
Did you brew the perfect brew, or does the next go need some tweaking?
There are loads of variables you could change to improve your coffee, including; water temp, brew ratio, grind size, time etc.
To make things easy, it’s best to change just one at a time, but which one?
If you are grinding your own coffee (which we recommend you do), we suggest starting with the grind size.
If your brew was quicker than 2:30secs and/or tastes under extracted, set your grinder finer to slow down the rate of extraction.
If your brew was slower than 3:30secs and/or tastes over extracted, set your grinder finer to speed up the rate of extraction.